05.12.14 - Public Art co-designed by Daniels Faculty student Dimitrios Karopoulos to be exhibited at Winterlude festival in Ottawa

Earlier this month, third year Daniels Faculty MArch student Dimitrios Karopoulos and Ryerson University MArch student Adrian Bica joined forces to respond to a request for proposals from the Government of Canada, which invited artists to “create participatory installations inspired by Canadian sports." The installations are to be displayed in Ottawa as part of the Winterlude festival, which runs from in January 30 - February 16, 2015.

The duo’s proposal “Colorful Motion,” pictured above, was selected as a winning entry. The students have been commissioned to build their public artwork, which incorporates interactive lighting, for the Outdoor Participatory Public Art Exhibition in Confederation Park.

This is the second public art competition that Karopoulos and Bica have won this year. In September, their public art installation "The Faces" was constructed in Saskatoon.