11.09.18 - Hans Ibelings to speak at New York Conference, “Acts of Design: New Housing Paradigms in North America”

Architectural historian, critic, author, and lecturer at the Daniels Faculty, Hans Ibelings, will be speaking at the New York Conference, “Acts of Design: New Housing Paradigms in North America”, about his book Rise and Sprawl: The Condominiumization of Toronto, written with Alex Josephson, the principal of PARTISANS. 

The conference is a day-long event with a number of speakers, including Daniels Faculty Professor Brigitte Shim. Through case-studies and panel discussions, participants will explore North America’s current state of housing, specifically workers housing typologies in Mexico City and designing across scales in Toronto, Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York. The event is open to the public and will be held on Friday, November 16, 2018, 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM EST at Columbia GSAPP.

Visit the conference website to register for your free ticket.

Hans Ibelings has been the editor and publisher of The Architecture Observer. Prior to this, he was the editor of A10 new European architecture, a magazine he founded in 2004 together with graphic designer Arjan Groot. Ibelings is also the author of a number of books, including European Architecture Since 1890 (2011), published in English, Dutch, German, and Russian, and Supermodernism: Architecture in the Age of Globalization (1998 and 2003), published in English, Dutch, Spanish, French, and Italian.