Design Build: Haliburton Forest

ARC395H1 F
Instructor: Jay Pooley
Meeting Section: P0102
Summer 2023
Toronto Dates: June 5 – 15, 2023
Travel Dates: June 12 – 19, 2023

The partnership of Haliburton Forest and the Daniels Faculty will return to the Bone Lake Research Camp to complete the next phase of on site architecture. Spanning over 100,000 acres, 100 lakes and three operational sawmills, the Forest is committed to environmental sustainability, social responsibility and economic viability.

This year students will design and build an outdoor bathing pavilion overlooking the lake. Services will be run to the site in advance with students taking responsibility for the design and construction using lumber provided by the Forest. The studio will be broken into two weeks of overlapping study: Design & Build. Students will spend the first week of the studio working from Daniels. Site evaluation, detail research, shop training and design charrettes will take up the full days before travelling to Haliburton for 7 days to complete the build. While in Haliburton, students will work with members of the Forestry staff and Faculty to build with local materials while engaged in multiple aspects of design, construction and forestry management.