07.02.16 - CBC Radio features Making Camp on Spark
CBC's radio show Spark featured a segment on Making Camp — a project by Lateral Office that was presented at the Chicago Architecture Biennial and, later, the Daniels Faculty's Eric Arthur Gallery.
In the February episode, titled "Challenge the past to design campsites of the future," host Nora Young speaks with Lateral Office co-counders Lola Sheppard and Associate Professor Mason White about the evolution in camping and camp gear across North America. While innovations to camp gear has been made over the years, "there has been very little innovation in the campground itself," says Sheppard.
"Our question was... if one were to redesign the campsite, what could it be today?" says White.
The project team, which also included Daniels MArch students Kinan Hewitt and Safoura Zahedi, explored how architecture could generate a new approach to campsite design. The result was a set of five campsite deisgns, each tailored to a specific terrain that can be found in Canada.
White says Making Camp recieved positive feedback after an early presentation to Parks Canada and that full-scale prototyping would be the next step to making this project a reality at campsites across Canada.
Photos from the opening of the Januray-February exhibition at the Eric Arthur Gallery can be viewed here.