Robot Made

Robot Made 'Wander Wood' 2019 by AnnaLisa Meyboom UBC SALA, David Correa of the University of Waterloo, Oliver David Krieg of LWPAC
ARC395H1 F/ ARC2095H F
Instructor: AnnaLisa Meyboom (UBC SALA), Nicholas Steven Hoban (University of Toronto), Aryan Rezaei Rad (University of Toronto)
Meeting Section: P0101
Summer 2024
Toronto Dates: June 10 - 21, 2024
Robot Made is a hands-on Design Build, allowing students to engage in the process of computational design to digital fabrication workflow, exploring techniques for the design, simulation, and fabrication of geometrically complex wooden structures. Wood is unique not only within its material properties within construction but also its ability to store embodied carbon and reduce GHG emissions. Robot Made engages with the following larger question: How can we use computational tools to challenge conventional methods of wood construction through design to digital fabrication facilitated through robotic systems?
Robot Made will focus on the design to direct fabrication. Students will learn the Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) process through the development of a computational model which allows for structural analysis, simulation, and robotic fabrication process. Construction and assembly logic are embedded within the computational and physical model, allowing for expedited onsite construction. Rarely is the design to fabrication process experienced within an academic setting, as it is often the domain of industrial fabrication. Within Robot Made students will have the opportunity to engage in novel applications of wood construction, while learning advanced technique for design and assembly.
The Robot Made Design Build will result in an installation similar to the Robot Made Workshops held in the past at UBC.
In order to apply, please submit a paragraph describing your interest in this Design Build course, 5 work samples (student work), and a short CV. This course is available to HBA AS students in year 2 or higher who completed ARC200H1 and ARC201H1. Also open to MARC, MLA and MUD students.
Applications are to be submitted HERE (Please note the form is limited to 1 submission. Further editing and amendments are NOT allowed after the form has been submitted.).
Information sessions for this course will be held on Thursday, February 8, 2024 from 12:00pm – 2:00pm (please see email for more details).
The deadline to apply is Monday, February 19, 2024 at 11:59pm EST.
Graduate applications are to be submitted HERE (Please note the form is limited to 1 submission. Further editing and amendments are NOT allowed after the form has been submitted.).
The deadline to apply is Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 11:59pm EST.