Selected Topics in Professional Practice: By Other Means: Alternative Models of Architectural Production

ARC4503H F
Instructor: Tei Carpenter
Meeting Section: L9101
Friday, 3:00PM - 6:00PM

This seminar investigates alternative models of architectural production and practice that challenge existing models of ownership, finance, and typical client-based project structures. What are the ways in which architects can adopt an entrepreneurial stance to self-initiate design projects and realize them? How might architects work collectively and across disciplines to realize design projects on their own terms? Within a contemporary context of increasing inequity and instability, the seminar will carefully examine and probe at how architects can design a model of practice and making to reimagine the types of users and forms of engagement of their design projects. Course meetings will vary on a weekly basis, but the seminar will predominantly focus on case studies and readings. Case studies will include examples of Germany’s Baugruppen, the New York Real Estate Cooperative, community land trusts, architect-developers, amidst many other models. Due to the remote nature of coursework this semester, a variety of interlocuters from around the world will visit and discuss their work and experiences during the seminar, in relationship to specific case studies. The final will be a collective project that will combine writing, case studies and drawing analysis.