Acoustic Architecture

ARC3403H F
Instructor: Brady Peters
Meeting Section: LEC0101
Thursday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

There is sound in architecture. Just as we cannot see architecture without light, we cannot hear architecture until there is sound. Through the sounds we make we are in constant dialog with our surroundings. We hear not only the character of the sound source, but the character of the space we are in. Sound is shaped by the geometry and materiality of architecture. If sound is everywhere, why do architects so rarely consider sound as an important part of design? This course prioritizes sound as an agenda for architectural design. This course is part design exploration, part historical investigation, and part performance computation. Through experiments, design exercises, readings, discussions, and lectures, participants will be introduced to the qualities and behaviour of sound, they will have the opportunity to learn tools that will enable them to design for sound, and the course will introduce them to various theories of sound design.