Updates and Reminders | MARC, MLA, MUD & MVS Year 1 Students
Dear Students,
We hope you are doing well and enjoying your last weeks of summer.
For those of you attending ‘workshop’, we hope that you are finding it informative and useful.
We wanted to send some quick reminders and updates before you get here:
- Deposit + Tuition: Your $1000 admission deposit will go towards your tuition fees. Your tuition fees are now posted to your ACORN and any scholarship you have been awarded will be paid to your ACORN account by October 15.
- Conditions: If you still have conditions listed on your offer, we have sent you a reminder, please ensure you work towards sending us your official transcript and English language test scores as soon as possible. Any delays can impact your registration.
- Next Steps: Check our New Grad Students page for more information on August intensive courses and orientation.
- Grad House: If you’re interested in graduate residence please visit Grad House
- Fall Semester: Fall 2022 will be in-person, on campus.
- International Students: If you are experiencing difficulties or have concerns regarding your arrival, please contact us immediately. The Centre for International Experience and their advisors are available to help and support your transition
- TCARD & UTMail: make sure you have obtained your TCard (student card) and UofT email account. Details can be found here.
- UTogether: Please continue to check the University of Toronto’s coronavirus updates and monitor your U of T email.
Course Enrolment
- You have been placed in your core courses. View your details on [acorn.utoronto.ca]ACORN. If you have received an exemption, Elective enrolment begins next week.
- Program Degree charts can be found online and are a great guide to your program requirements
- Your official guide to your program requirements can be found in the SGS calendar
- The course timetable can be found online
- Academic and Sessional Dates can be found here
- August intensives | ARC1021H, ARC2042H, ALA4010H, ALA4020H, URD1021H - begin Monday, August 22nd
- LAN1041H Field course – begins Monday, August 29th
- Remainder of your grad courses begin Monday, September 12th
- Virtual Drop in Appointments continue every Wednesday from 3-4pm
- To book an advising appointment, Monday – Friday, either in person or virtually, contact us at registrar@daniels.utoronto.ca
We are looking forward to seeing you very soon!
Andrea McGee, BA, Med (She/Her)
Registrar & Assistant Dean, Students
Office of the Registrar and Student Services
Daniels Faculty, University of Toronto